Super Tools is now avaliable on Shopify App Store

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Super Tools can save your team countless hours on product tagging process -

Fast. Easy. Simple.

Most importantly, it helps you bring structure to your webshop, regardless of the types of products you are selling. Featuring a user-friendly design, our editor helps you run all the product tagging processes in a time-efficient, reliable, and safe manner.

hero product liv

Quick Actions for Product Tags

  • Feature 1

    Add, delete, edit tags &add product type

    add delete and edit product
  • Add tag

    Set tags for the product and also create tags from app directly.

  • Delete tag

    Delete tags for the product and also delete tags from app directly.

  • Edit tags

    Locate tags and execute various actions such as replacing, removing, or deleting different tags.

  • Add product type

    Set product type for the product based on a matching tag.

  • Delete empty automated collections

    This streamlined process ensures the swift removal of all empty automated collections, contributing to a professional and organized catalog.

  • Delete all products

    This streamlined process ensures the swift removal of selected products from your catalog, maintaining a professional and organized inventory.

  • Feature 2

    Delete all products or empty collections

    delete product collection

Manage Product Status

  • Feature 3

    Hide or unhide out of stock products

    product status change
  • Set products to "DRAFT" if they are out of stock

    This feature will set all products with 0 quantity to status "DRAFT", so they are not visible to your store.

  • Set products to "ACTIVE" if they are out of stock

    This feature will set all products with 0 quantity to status "ACTIVE", so they are not visible to your store.

  • Set products to "DRAFT" if they are out of stock by tag

    Hide products out of stock with/without tag.

  • Set products to "ACTIVE" if they are out of stock by tag

    Unhide products out of stock with/without this tag.

  • Change status of products

    Effortlessly switch between "DRAFT" and "ACTIVE' statuses, allowing for seamless transitions as your products evolve. Whether you're refining details in draft mode or activating a finalized product, this advanced tool provides a professional touch to your catalog management, ensuring a streamlined and dynamic presentation at every stage.

  • change status product

Product Tags Mapping

  • Export tags for mapping

    This streamlined process ensures the swift removal of all empty automated collections, contributing to a professional and organized catalog.

  • Import tags for mapping

    Import the json that you already exported from our app from different store and want to automatically populate the mappings table.

  • Feature 4

    Quick import/export tags for mapping the products

    import and export json tags
  • Add product type by _prefix

    Effortlessly switch between "DRAFT" and "ACTIVE' statuses, allowing for seamless transitions as your products evolve. Whether you're refining details in draft mode or activating a finalized product, this advanced tool provides a professional touch to your catalog management, ensuring a streamlined and dynamic presentation at every stage.

  • prefix tag products